s:716:"TI Gergera Watershed: A success story of restoration community-based adaptation and climate-smart practices AU Hagazi, N. AU Mokria, M. AU Hadgu, K.M. AU Hailemariam, G. AU Gebru, Y. AU Negussie, A. AU Getahun, E. AB Gergera watershed is located in Tabia Hayelom, Atsbi Wonberta district of Tigray region in northern Ethiopia. The altitude of the district ranges from 1500 to 2800 m.a.s.l. The average daily temperature of the area is between 15°C and 30°C with a mean annual rainfall of about 529mm. The area is prone to drought with erratic, unevenly distributed rainfall and high runoff. However, it has good sources of underground and seasonal water from the surrounding mountain catchments. ";