s:2028:"%T Kenya agroforestry tree seed project report %A Buck L E %X This report describes the activities and findings of ICRAF's one-year Kenya Agroforestry Tree Seed Project. The Project was established with the principle aim of obtaining modest quantities of tree seed appropriate for use in agroforestry systems designed by ICRAF with collaborating Kenyan institutions. It was intended that the Project provide a vehicle through which to explore the issue of tree seed availability in Kenya, generally, and to investigate methods of overcoming a perceived supply constraint. More specifically, the Seed Project was designed with the immediate goal of securing access to adequate quantities of seed for use by Mazingira Institute's Agroforestry Plots for Rural Kenya Project. A collaborative relationship had developed between the two organiza-tions through which ICRAF had agreed to provide design recommendations for five agroforestry system demonstration trials for implementation through the Mazingira project. In keeping with Mazingira's focus on establishing self-sustaining community-based agroforestry activity, the emphasis of the Seed Project has been on exploring "appropriate" methods of facilitating access to seed by rural non-government organizations. The report consists of eight sections. The first presents background information on the purpose and organizational structure of the Seed Project as well as the functional relationships among participant institutions. Second, the general Kenyan context in which the issue of NGO access to tree seed emerges is described. A brief overview of the existing situation is provided which includes identification of major interested agencies or groups, their, roles, and perceptions of the problem. The third section documents the approach used to identify seed requirements of the Mazingira Project. Section four describes seed sources identified by the Project and provides an inventory of the species procured to date. Section five discusses the issue of storage. ";