s:1295:"%T Land suitability evaluation with a case map of Aceh Barat District %A Ritung S W %A Wahyunto %A Agus, F. %A Hidayat H %X Land evaluation is a process for matching the characteristics of land resources for certain uses using a scietifically standardized technique. The results can be used as a guide by land users and planners to identify alternative land uses. Land Suitability is the degree of appropriateness of land for a certain use. Land suitability could be assessed for present condition (Actual Land Suitability) or after improvement (Potential Land Suitability). Actual Land suitability is a land suitability that is based on current soil and land conditions, i.e. without applying any input. The information is based on physical environment data generated from soil or land resources surveys. The information is based on soil characteristics and climate data related to growth requirements of crops being evaluated. Potential Land Suitability is the suitability that could be reached after the land is improved. The land to be evaluated can be natural (conversion) forest, abandoned or unproductive lands, or land currently used for agriculture, at a sub-optimal level of management in such a way that the productivity can be improved by changing to more suitable crops ";