s:1190:"TI Imperata grassland rehabilitation using Agroforestry and assisted natural regeneration AU Friday K S AU Drilling M E AU Garrity, D.P. AB Imperata cylindrica grasslands are found throughout Southeast Asia. They are perpetuated by Imperata's, ability to resprout quickly after fire. Fire is the main reason that tree plantations fail on Imperata grasslands. Local people may be the cause of fire, but they are also the best partners to prevent it. They rehabilitate Imperata grassland rehabilitation when they own the trees and crops that will replace Imperata. The more valuable the new land use is to local people, the harder they will work to maintain it and prevent fire. This manual is written to benefit people who live in an environment dominated by Imperata and who want to replace grasslands with agroforestry and forests. The techniques covered in this manual are most useful for medium-sized grasslands, confined to one village or community. The manual's content and format is designed for extensionists, agriculturists, foresters, development workers, and others who can assist communities and smallholders to design and implement Imperata rehabilitation activities. ";