s:1902:"TI Generic methodologies applicable to multiple land-use categories AU Aalde H AU Gonzalez P AU Gytarsky M AU Krug T AU Kurz W A AU Martino D L AU McConkey B G AU Ogle S M AU Paustian K AU Raison J AU Ravindranath N H AU Schoene D AU Smith P AU Somogyi Z AU Amstel A van AU Verchot L AU Lasco R D AB Methods to estimate greenhouse gas emissions and removals in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Sector can be divided into two broad categories: 1) methods that can be applied in a similar way for any of the types of land use (i.e., generic methods for Forest Land, Cropland, Grassland, Wetlands, Settlements and Other Land); and 2) methods that only apply to a single land use or that are applied to aggregate data on a national-level, without specifying land use. Chapter 2 provides mainly descriptions of generic methodologies under category (1) for estimating ecosystem carbon stock changes as well as for estimating non-CO 2 fluxes from fire. These methods can be applied for any of the six land-use categories. Generic information on methods includes: • general framework for applying the methods within specific land-use categories; • choice of methods, including equations and default values for Tier 1 methods for estimating C stock changes and non-CO 2 emissions; • general guidance on use of higher Tier methods; • use of the IPCC Emission Factor Data Base (EFDB); and • uncertainty estimation. Specific details and guidance on implementing the methods for each of the land-use and land-use conversion categories, including choosing emission factors, compiling activity data and assessing uncertainty, are given in the chapters on specific land-use categ ories (see Chapters 4 to 9). Guidance on inventory calculations for each specific land use refers back to this chapter for description of methods where they are generic. ";