s:931:"%T Effect of intercropping maize and closely spaced Leucaena hedgerows on soil conservation and maize yield on a steep slope at Ntcheu, Malawi %A Banda A Z %A Magembe J A %A Ngugi D N %A Chome V A %X A six-year soil conservation trial was conducted on a steep slope, 44 percent, with a subhumid climate, based on very closely spaced (90 cm) hedgerows, using three intraspecific hybrids of Leucaena leucocephala. Soil loss averaged 2.0 t/ha per year on the Leucaena plots compared with an initial 80 t/ha per year on the unprotected control plot, falling to 27 t/ha per year after the top soil had been eroded. After 6 years, micro terraces of 35 cm high and 81 cm wide had developed on the intercropped plots, with substantially improved soil properties. Maize yield (unfertilized) were maintained at 1.5-2.0 t/ha on the protected plots, compared with a progressive fall from 0.8 to 0.5 t/ha on the sole maize control. ";