s:1019:"%T Weed population in cowpeas (Vigna Unguiculata) (L) Walp) as influenced by water table, moisture regime and cultivar %A Timsina J %A Robles R P %A Garrity, D.P. %A Pandey R K %X Experiments were conducted during the 1987-88 dry season to determine the influence of irrigation water and naturally occurring water table depths in a toposequence, on the weed ecology of two cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] cultivars at Los Banos, Philippines. In the line source sprinkler irrigation experiment on a Typic Tropudalf, saturated and wet treatments had a higher weed population than the dry treatment. In the toposequential agrohydrology experiment, the shallow and medium water table depths had greater weed populations than the deep water table depth regime. In both experiments the early maturing cultivars had a higher LAI [leaf area index] in their early phase of growth. This was associated with reduced weed competition as compared to the medium maturing cultivars, irrespective of moisture regimes. ";