s:822:"%T Where We Work: Brief Profiles of RUPES Action Research Sites %A Fauzi, A. %A Wilkes A %A Leimona, B. %A Abasolo E P %A Villamor G B %A Joshi L %A Fitzgerald L %A Palm M %A Kumar R %A Permana R P %X RUPES-Rewarding Upland poor for Environmental Services they provide-has become a well-known brand and trusted source of information about the complexity of environmental services rewards schemes. The project was started in 2002 under the coordination of the World Agroforestry Centre (Southeast Asia Programme) through a funding partnership with the International Fund for Agricultural Development. During its first phase (2002–2007), RUPES worked in 6 action research sites in 3 countries—Bungo, Singkarak and Sumberjaya in Indonesia; Bakun and Kalahan in the Philippines; Kulekhani in Nepal ";