s:1261:"TI Towards conservation and sustainable urilization of edible caterpillars of the miombo AU Kennis M AU Sileshi G W AU Mbata K AU Chidumayo E AU Meke G AU Muatinte B AB Edible caterpillars are one of the non-timber forest products of the miombo, a woodland ecosystem extending from Tanzania to Zimbabwe and from Angola to Mozambique. Over 30 species, mainly of the family Saturniidae, are harvested and consumed. They are an essential component of the diet of many traditional communities in central and southern Africa. In some regions, caterpillars represent the most important animal protein source and are the main source of nutrients during the hunger months. Caterpillars are also sold at local markets and represent an important source of income for rural communities. The objectives of this study was to make a preliminary evaluation of the harvesting, consumption and marketing of edible caterpillars in the miombo woodlands, through market, field and literature surveys. We assessed the constraints on the sustainable utilisation of caterpillars, and identified the priorities in research and development on edible caterpillars in the region. Investigations were carried out in Zambia, and to a lesser extend, in Malawi and Mozambique ";