s:868:"TI Tororo district report AU Kabuye F M AU Waata F AU Kiguli D AB This study was sponsored by the U.K. Department for International Development as part of the Livestock Information Research Exchange in East Africa. The study was led by ICRAF and it focused on information and technology needs and sources for poor livestock keepers in the lake Victoria Basin. The Uganda study was conducted in three Districts, Tororo being one of these where Africa 2000 Network has worked for over 6 years and promoted livestock husbandry as a means to address poverty eradication. Mr. Fredrick Musisi Kabuye the Uganda Team Leader with a team of 6 others from Africa 2000 Network, Integrated Rural development Initiatives, Makerere University Business School and Development Consult and Advisory Associates carried out the study on behalf of Africa 2000 Network - Uganda. ";