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The role of land tenure in the development of cinnamon agroforestry in Kerinci, Sumatra

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When traditional shifting cultivation becomes unsustainable because of population pressure and scarcity of land , the addoption of agroforestry system can be aan alternative .These system often start with the introduction of trees into cleared swidden land during or after foodcrops have been harvested .the trees grow to partly replace the natural vegetation of the shifting cutivation system and are then known as an 'iproved tree fallow' typically continuing population prssure forces on evolution from low to hihg intensity manaagement of planted tree fallows .the final stage of this enrichment of shifting caltivation is referred to as an agroforest. It is a major land use in sumatra (de foresta and michon1991), where important tree crop such as rubber (hevea brasiliensis) and cinnamon (cinnamomum burmanii, known as cassivera) have begun in this fashion. this transformation of farming system,driven by population pressure , has been summarized by Tomich (1995
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    Suyanto S W; Tomich T P; Otsuka K




    agroforestry, cinnamon, land tenure, land use, shifting cultivation



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