s:734:"%T The dark side of SExI-FS: tree roots as landslide anchor %A Harja D %A Wisnubroto E I %A Kurniasari V %A Hairiah D K %A van Noordwijk, M. %X The role of tree planting and agroforestry in reducing landslide risk on slopes is still a question. The Index of Root Anchoring (IRA) and Index of Root Binding of soil (IRB) show differences in the distribution of woody roots between species (Hairiah, 2006). Species selection and plot management can then be assessed for their effects on the cohesiveness of the topsoil and the degree to which the'root mat' is anchored in the subsoil. Will it break apart, Slide as a whole Or stay in place 3D-visualization of above & belowground architecture can help to evaluate options. ";