s:1237:"%T Strategies for upscaling community-based advisory services in Cameroon %A Tsafack S %A Mbosso M F P C %A Degrande, A. %X As part of its work on innovative approaches for agricultural extension and advisory services, the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), has experimented with community-based extension approaches in Cameroon and conducted studies on their performance and efficiency. These activities were embedded in the CGIAR Research Programme on Policies, Markets and Institutions and partly funded by USAID/MEAS regarding the farmer-to-farmer extension (F2FE) approach, the Finnish Food Africa project and CTA regarding the Rural Resources centers (RRC) approach. Studies on F2FE were implemented in collaboration with the Michigan State University. A one day workshop was organized in Yaoundé to share research results with decision makers and partners, and explore possibilities in upscaling these innovative approaches. Specific objectives were as follows: - exchange ideas on the farmer-to-farmer extension (F2FE) approach (training of farmers by/for farmers); - present the concept and functioning of Rural Resource Centres (RRC); - brainstorm on potential strategies for upscaling these approaches in Cameroon. ";