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Revised questionnaire for proposed RUPES Action Research Site

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Rewarding Upland Poor for Environmental Services They Provide (RUPES) is a program to develop appropriate mechanisms for rewarding the poor upland communities for the environmental services that they provide.Through partnership with the International Fund for Agriculture and Development (IFAD) as the major donor, the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) is taking an active role in leading aconsortium with potential partners to create the knowledge to deploy rewards to upland communities. New methods for transfer payments to upland communities will be tested andmonitored through action research. These methods will ensure that the transaction costs for these activities are competitive, and that there is full community involvement in the decision making process. The program will also explore the most appropriate means of institutionalising a sustainable process of transfer payments.A key element of the RUPES program is the identification of sites that represent a broad social and ecological range. The information from these sites will be subjected to a cross-site analysis to draw up a typology and classification for environmental services that captures the breadth of scope for these services in Asia. The classification will guide the choice of case study sites for intensive implementation of specific agreements.
    Publication year



    Chandler F J; Leimona, B.




    agroforestry systems, development, hydrology, land use, models



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