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Reducing emissions from all land uses - REALU. An approach toward reduce emission from deforestation and degradation (REDD/REDD+) and national appropriate mitigation action - NAMA

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1. REDD+ shows great potential for implementation in Vietnam, but faces challenges an approach, method, data and institutional setting.2. Cross-sectoral efforts including land-use planning for an effective REDD+ implementation is recommended3. The REALU approach increases the possibilities to achieve a sustainable REDD+ as ir provides a more effective approach in addressing leakages drivers of deforestation and degradation and enhancing participation of land users including indigenous people in to REDD process4. The two most challenging issues for REDD+ and cross-sectoral approach: a. The country still locks a uniform REDD-related database, including a unified land classificationb. Applicable methods and tools for cross-sectoral and cross-level REDD+ coordination and implementation

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