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Philippine S&T agenda on climate change in the Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources Sectors (2010-2016)

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Climate change are events associated with the increase inglobal temperature, changes in precipitation pattern, occurrenceof extreme events, and increase in sea level. Life support systemssuch as agriculture, forestry, and natural resources (AFNR) are highly vulnerable to this phenomenon. ADB projected that the me an cost of climate change for the P hilip pines and thre e other ASEAN countries, is about 6.7% of combined gross domestic product each year by 2100, if non-market impact and catastrophic risks are considered. In 2006, th e agriculture sector shares 14.2 % of the country’s gross domestic product. Rice and corn are the major crops which contributed 34 % and 13% gross value ad de d, respe ctively, to the coun tr y’ s econom y. But these figures are likely to go down as studies indicate that yield of major crops would slide by 5-7% due to impacts of climate change. Similarly in 2008, livestock and poultry sector contribute 26.47% to the country’s total agricultural output. But this isnow threatene d as high tem pe rature, drought, an d excessive rainfall adversely affect animal production, nutrition and health. Based on the World Ban k study, in one of the major crop producing regions in the country, the total average annual loss from drought, flood, and typhoon inclusive of losses to the infrastructure can reach P 1,125 million.
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    World Agroforestry




    forestry, natural resources



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