s:1264:"%T Local incentive-based policy for Vegetable-Agroforestry. A locally-appropriate adaptation and mitigation action (LAAMA) to climate change %A Catacutan D %A Duque-PiƱon C %X As global attention turns to international negotiations to deal with climate change, an equally important task is turning to local communities whose decisions on the land impacts the environment. Scientists at the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) are working to understand the linkages and interaction between LAAMA and Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA), and between NAMA and Globally Appropriate Mitigation Action (GAMA), and in developing strategies to resolve scientifi c, institutional and economic challenges surrounding carbon mitigation at different levels. Articulation on these linkages includes recognition of efforts of international institutions in designing multi-national incentive system for carbon mitigation, with individual countries developing institutional frameworks required at the national level, and analyzes and development of various reward mechanisms at the implementation level. We argued that NAMA, as part of international agreements (GAMA), should be based on locally-accepted, endorsed, and supported actions on the ground (LAAMA). ";