s:1050:"%T Landcare in East Africa %A Tanui J K %A Russell D %A Catacutan D %A Yatich T %X The natural resource condition of East Africa continues to decline despite numerous interventions over the last several decades. The scarcity of natural resources and inadequate support systems perpetuated the vicious cycle of degradation and poverty, particularly in rural areas. An eroded cultural fabric coupled with inadequate implementation of environmental policies, inequitable distribution of resources, as well as unclear and often contested land tenure rights has weakened the traditional interventions in use. A number of structural constraints are evident in past interventions including the lack of local level ownership of natural resource management (NRM) initiatives; non integration of production and conservation goals; individualistic, self styled and often competing approaches that disregard landscape level concerns. The impetus of district level governments in integrating conservation and development is also pervasively untapped. ";