s:1095:"%T Indonesia's land-use and land-cover changes and their trajectories (1990, 2000 and 2005) %A Ekadinata, A. %A Widayati A %A Rahman S %A van Noordwijk, M. %A Dewi, S. %X Indonesia has e xperienced unpr eceden ted land- cov er chang es ov er the pas t few dec ades De forestation, f orest degr ada tion, pea tland con version and burning ha ve dr awn global atten tion owing t o the signific an t amoun ts of emission of the gr eenhouse g ases tha t c ause global w arming Indonesia has declar ed its c ommitmen t to r educe emissions b y 26–41% b y 2020. Mor e than 50% of the emission r eduction t arget is in tended t o c ome from the land-use, land-use-chang e and f orestry sect or (L UL UCF) A monit oring , reporting and v alida ting s ystem is necessar y t o c ompar e the perf ormance of clima te- chang e mitig ation actions ag ains t pas t emissions Credible pas t emission es tima tes ar e r equir ed, f or which w e need tw o basic da ta se ts: (1) his toric al land-use chang es; and (2) emission f act ors for each land-use chang e, be fore and a fter the chang e ";