s:1304:"TI Indicative Programme of Work & Budget 2010, presented to the Board of Trustees AU World Agroforestry AB The single most important highlight in 2009 was without doubt the World Agroforestry Congress. An intense 18-month planning and preparation phase paid off during the Congress week in Nairobi from 23 to 27 August 2009. Special aspects of the Congress included: (i) six high level science speakers including two Nobel laureates; (ii) high host country interest with the delivery of a Presidential Address and the Vice-President in attendance; (iii) securing US$800,000 from already over-subscribed donors for supporting developing country participants; (iv) 1,200 participants in attendance; (v) 200 journalists in a news crowded region to attend a press briefing and get articles in Time, Economist, Reuters and other avenues; (vi) receiving a significant pledge from one donor at the conference and requests to submit proposals from three other donors; (vii) arranging four top interest and over-subscribed field trips across 2 countries; and (viii) high participation from former staff and board members (and five current board members). Efforts are underway through a committee chaired by the Director General to strategize on capitalizing the Congress achievements and profiling in 2010. ";