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Exploration of landscape dynamics in the buffer area of Lamandau River Wildlife Reserve and its neighboring area, Central Kalimantan, using the FALLOW model

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The buffer area (23 600 ha) to the east of the Lamandau River Wildlife Reserve (LRWR) in Kota Waringin Lama subdistrict, Central Kalimantan, is a logged -over production forest that was earmarked for conversion to non-forest use but is now a candidate target for forest landscape restoration as part of early action on REDD+. As part of a feasibility study, the FALLOW (Forest, Agroforest, Low -value Land Or Waste) modellingmethod developed by Van Noordwijk (2002) and Suyamto and others (2009) was used for exploring future landscape mosaics and the consequences of such for the economic and ecological performance not only of the buffer area but also for the LRWR and the two sub-districts of Arut Selatan and Kota Waringin Lama. The wider area study can help us understand the issues of leakage and additionality in relating human use of the landscape to carbon - stock changes

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