s:930:"%T Alternatives to Slash-and-Burn in Indonesia: a journey of discovery %A Tomich T P %A van Noordwijk, M. %X Alternatives to slash-and-burn (ASB) stands for three thrusts, which can be linked to the forest, fire and crops parts of the slash-and-burn cycle:Alleviate poverty - secure access to food, either via providing sufficient income or by home production is a per-requisite for a humane development pathway,Sinks and sources of greenhouse gasses during land use change should be better understood; mechanisms should be developed for linking local and global cost and benefits,Biodiversity conservation is a global imperative with consequences at the local level; the relationships between human land use and biodiversity conservation should be quantified to balance local and global interests, either by a segregation of 'conservation' and 'production' areas or by an integration in multi-function land use patterns. ";