s:2342:"%T Agroforestry for livelihood enhancement and enterprise development %A Nugraha E %A Tukan C J M %A Fay, C.C. %A van Noordwijk, M. %A Roshetko, J.M. %A Manurung G E S %X Agroforestry is a dynamic, ecologically base d, natural resources management system that, through the integration of trees on farms and in the agricultural landscape, diversifies and sustains production for increased social, economic and environmental benefits for land users at all levels. By nurturing trees on their farms, pastures and homesteads farmers have been managing agroforestry systems for millennia. Most smallholder fa rmer agroforestry systems are divers e, multi-species, an d integrate trees with annual crops and/or animals. Traditionally, these systems are extensive in nature, with small quantities of many products produced for household consumption. Tree management tends to be non- intensive and largely limited to product harvesting. The advent of market economies and improved rural infrastructure has expanded commercial opportunities to many farm communities. However, traditional tree management often leaves communities ill-equi pped to produce reliable quantities of high-quality products that meet market specificati ons. In addition, a lack of security of land tenure has, in many places, led to a corresponding lack of incentives for farmers to invest in long-term land management improvements. Experience also indicates that farm ers lack access to professiona l technical assistance and have limited linkages to market channels and information. As a result, most farmers do not mange their trees because they are not sure wher e to focus and not sure what can be sold. A system of technical assistance and innovations is needed to empower farmers to seize market opportunities by enhancing and diversifying the productivity/profitability of their agrofo restry systems. This pape r presents an integrated approach that emphasizes market stud ies and analysis that appraise existing and future demand for products that are or can be produced by farmers; farmer group extension to help farmers address market opportunities; and farmer group evolution towards farmer enterprise development when appropriate. Examples of impact achieved through the implementation of this approach and its components are provided. Introduct ";