s:2952:"%T A study of rapid hydrological appraisal in the Krueng Peusangan watershed, NAD, Sumatra %A Mulyoutami E %A Ekadinata A E %A Asmawan T %A Tanika L %A Said Z %A Leimona B %A van Noordwijk, M. %A Khasanah N M %X T he Krueng Peusangan Watershed is categorized as degraded area with 1 st priority by the Department of Public Work and Water Resource Services of Aceh Province (Departemen Pekerjaan Umum dan Dinas Sumber Daya Air, Aceh province) meaning this watershed has experienced very severe degradation and needs high priority to improve its situation . The Aceh Provincial Government developed a strategic planning of integrated and sustainable watershed management of the Krueng Peusangan water shed t o prevent further watershed degradation. Align ed to the development of the strategic planning, WWF in collaboration with the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) SEA Regional Program conducted a comprehensive hydrology study from the perspective of mul tiple stakeholders using the Rapi d Hydrological Appraisal (RHA) method . The objectives of the RHA are t o appraise the hydrological situation from the perspective of multiple stakeholders: local ecological knowledge (LEK) , public/policymakers ecological kno wledge (PEK) , and hydrologis t/modeler ecological knowledge (MEK) . Further, the recommendation from the application of RHA is to design a realistic approach in designing a reward for watershed services scheme. To accomplish the objective of the study, the R HA method was implemented through the following activities: 1. Survey and exploration of the two main types of stakeholder knowledge: local and public/policy maker ecological knowledge on water movement and causes and consequences of land use options on the l andscape from the perspective of multiple users of the Krueng Peusangan watershed, 2. G athering and analyzing of existing climate and hydrology data on the Krueng Peusangan w atershed, 3. Spatial data analy sis of the Krueng Peusangan w atershed to obtain land cove r information, land cover change information and watershed characteristic , 4. Analyses of the consequences of current land cover change on the values of water balance including river flow in the Krueng Peusangan watershed using GenRiver 2.0 model, and 5. Analyse s of plausible future land cover changes scenarios and its impacts using GenRiver 2.0 model. The Krueng Peusangan watershed is a cross - district watershed with a lake located in its upper part and consists of 11 sub - watersheds. It has moderately high rainfa ll and wet seasons. In the upper watershed, the Gayo people live along the river and surrounding the Lake Laut Tawar, while the Aceh people live in mid and downstream of the watershed. The Gayo people mostly planted upland rice, coffee, cocoa, and pinang u nder both monoculture and mixed crop systems. The Acehnese practiced fishing and cultivated irrigated paddy, coconut, oil palm, and mixed garden ";