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Studi biodiversitas: Apakah agroforestryi mampu mengkonservasi keanekaragaman hayati di DAS KONTO? RABA (Rapid Agrobiodiversity Appraisal)

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The natural forest area in DAS Konto (Malang regency, East Java) continued to decline while the population density increased from 587 to 657 persons per km 2 in 19 90 and 2000, respectively. A nalysis of land use maps of 1990 and 2000 showed a 0.8% per year loss (or 196.7 ha/year) of remaining natural forest area, while the total area of belukar‘ (bush fallow) and tree plantations increased. The common land cover typ es were: coffee - based agroforestry systems, tree plantations ( Hutan Tanaman Industri‘) such as pine ( Pinus mercusii ), mahogany ( Swietenia mahogany ) and damar‘ ( Agatis sp . ) which potentially store a large amount of carbon for long periods of time. Compare d to natural forest, however, biodiversity is reduced and forest functions in the broader ecosystem are modified. Data on biodiversity loss and perceived functions of flora and fauna for local livelihoods are scarce and to support discussions and negotiati ons of trends in land use a systematic appraisal was desirable. An assessment of biodiversity and agrodiversity was made between January and Juli 2009 in the upstream parts of the Kali Konto watershed, covering a range of land use system (LUS) in Ngantan g and Pujon district. Compilation of data from previous research was the first step, relating land cover change, tree and earthworm diversity and farmer practices in various agricultural systems. Information on the importance value of trees, animals and ag roforestry systems were collected based on PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) methods, in - depth farmer interviews and ground checks. Direct field measurements were made to assess diversity of nematodes and termites in five land use systems i.e: natural fo rest, bamboo forest, coffee - based mixed agroforestry systems, shaded coffee with Gliricidia , and pine plantation with king grass as understory

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