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Evaluasi dampak erosi tanah model pendekatan ekonomi lingkungan dalam perlindungan DAS: kasus sub-DAS Besai DAS Tulang Bawang Lampung

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In Besai watershed increasing in growth population causes the watershed degradation. Many conflicts over the use of land resources involve competing interest group for very different reasons. These different interest from each stakes holder causes conflict in upstream and down stream management in watershed. In upstream, population pressure in land and causes land-use changes. Using unsustainable farming system has market values but protection in watershed function has no market values. Farming can inflict off-site cost on low-land economies through the processes of erosion and sedimentation and changes in hydrological patterns and water quality. The costs are not internalized and affect downstream landowners and water users. The off site costs and benefits are not reflected in farmer’s decision, but they are an integral part of the economic impacts of land-use changes. Impacts of land-use changes are potentially far reaching, not only for the agriculture sector. It results market failure and this bias reflected in policy and project decision making.
    Publication year



    Sihite J




    environment, erosion, impact assessment, models, onions, soil



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