CIFOR–ICRAF publishes over 750 publications every year on agroforestry, forests and climate change, landscape restoration, rights, forest policy and much more – in multiple languages.

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Burung-burung di Sumberjaya

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Beberapa jenis burung yang ditemukan dihutan Lampung tidak ditemukan di tempatlain di luar Pulau Sumatra, oleh karena ituperlu diperhatikan dan diberikan tempatuntukkehidupannya. Beberapajenisburung mempunyai peranan penting dalamekosistem alam dan memberikan manfaatbagi ekosistem pengganti ekosistem alamyang hilang. Tiap-tiap jenis mempunyaiperanan yang berbeda sehingga perludilestarikan. Some of the birds that occur in the forests of Lampung are not found anywhere outside of Sumatra, so it is important for us to look after them, and make sure they have suitable places to live. Birds play significant roles in the natural ecosystem and can also provide many benefits in the agro-ecosystems that replace natural forests. The species play different roles, so it is important to maintain many types.
    Publication year



    Rahayu, S.




    birds, coffee, conservation (storage), insect control, pollinators, weed control



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