CIFOR–ICRAF publishes over 750 publications every year on agroforestry, forests and climate change, landscape restoration, rights, forest policy and much more – in multiple languages.

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Agroforest karet: konservasi keanekaragaman hayati yang berakar dari kearifan lokal

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Rubber agroforest in smallholder rubber plantation established since centuries by local community with rubber as main product and mixed with other trees such as timber and fruits. Low management input, except weeding around rubber trees applied in the system. Local wisdom on managing rubber agroforest through keeping naturally tree regeneration providing habitat for forest trees, other biodiversity like birds and bats species. Amount of 104 species seedling was found in rubber agroforest of Kabupaten Bungo, Jambi through Quick Biodiversity Survey Method and 89% of them are forest species. Dipterocarp species, Parashorea malaanonan and Shorea pachyphylla which is categorized as critically endangered based on IUCN Red List and other valuable forest species such as Madhuca kingiana, Lithocarpus sp, Diospyros lanceifolius, Palaquium gutta, Dyera costulata, Litsea eliptica, Lithocarpus hystrix and Elaeocarpus stipularis found in rubber agroforest. Amount of 71% of forest species in rubber agroforest indicate that dispersed by animals. It is an evident that rubber agroforest also providing habitat, home range or refugee of frugivore, for example birds and mammals which potentially as seed dispersal agent. Amount of 130 bird species found in rubber agroforest, and 30% of them are frugivore such as Aceros corrugates dan Anthracoceros albirostris. Beside birds, 10 of 19 species Sumatra fruit bats from Family Pteropodidae found in rubber agroforest in Kabupaten Bungo. Birds and fruit bats play an important role on forest seed dispersal and establishing forest species regeneration.

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