s:947:"%T Village centres to boost cocoa production %A Ouya, D. %X The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) has, with other partners, set up the Vision for Change (V4C) project to boost production of cocoa. In the first phase of the project, 2010 to 2013, sixteen Cocoa Development Centre (CDCs) were set up by the project to demonstrate, on farmers' fields, various recommended technologies for cocoa rehabilitation. Particularly impressive are grafted trees; within 12 months of grafting, new stems on old cocoa trees are producing large, healthy pods. 'Total replanting' trials established in 2010 now boast young trees with bright green leaves and characteristic auburn tops, their branches heavy with fruit. Through their role of uniting farmers with better seedlings and services, the 53 new CVC operators will be front and centre of this effort to raise cocoa productivity. More training of CVC operators is planned so the region gets covered. ";