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Determinants of pastoralists and agropastoralists households’ propensity to adapt in Il’Ngwesi Group Ranch, Laikipia County, Kenya

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The overall aim of this report was to undertake a conceptual and empirical assessment of how adaptive capacity to climate change differentiates among pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in the drylands of Kenya. The household perception to climate change and the adaptation strategies they choose to embrace that mitigate against the impacts of climate change. Specifically exploring the adaptation strategies implemented by the two main sources of livelihoods identified in the area, pastoralism and agro-pastoralist, how land tenure regime the household settled determines uptake of adaptation strategies. Finally, how various assets and resources available and accessible by the households determine, predict and build their adaptive capacity and uptake of adaptation strategies.
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    Nganga, T.; Coulibaly, J.




    pastoralisms, climate change, adaptation



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