s:1222:"%T CO-VIEW (Collaborative Vision and Exploration Workbench): software and manual %A Haggith, M. %A Purnomo, H. %A Zacharias, T. %A Yulianto, E. %A Prabhu, R. %A Theodore, Y. %A Muetzelfeldt, R. %A Yuliani, E.L. %A Yasmi, Y. %A Suharyanto, G. %A Kusnadi, R. %X Co-View is a tool to help facilitators of natural resource management and stakeholders to articulate and explore a shared vision of the future and to develop strategies to achieve it. One promising approach for coping with change is by generating a shared vision of the future through facilitated participatory visioning processes. Visioning has become widely accepted as an important tool for empowering local communities to gain confidence over their future. Co-View includes: 1. A practical guide to facilitating a participatory visioning process; 2. Future Scenario, Scenarios as a Tool for Adaptive Forest Management; 3. a simply written, illustrated guide to participatory modelling; 4. 'The Bridge', a computer-based tool for expressing a vision and converting it into the basis of a simulation model; 5. 'The Power to Change!" game, a team game for using a model to explore various future scenarios. (Simile software required). ";