Forest landscape restoration for improved livelihoods:
secure tenure to catalyze community action in Madagascar and Cameroon
Securing tenure, forests and livelihoods in Madagascar and Cameroon
‘Securing tenure, forests and livelihoods’ is a participatory action-research project designed to develop tools to enable FLR programme managers, practitioners and policymakers to have a better understanding of how community tenure systems operate, as well as when, how and for whom they deliver tenure security. Funded by BMZ, under its initiative to assist African countries in meeting their restoration goals, the project takes a change oriented approach, engaging with multiple levels of governance and sectors of society to encourage tenure reforms that will enable community tenure systems to provide security in an inclusive and equitable way. The project will compare community tenure systems in Cameroon and Madagascar, two countries investing in both tenure reform and FLR.
Anne Larson
Project principal investigator; Team Leader – Governance, Equity & Wellbeing, CIFOR-ICRAF
Rebecca McLain
Senior Associate, CIFOR-ICRAF
Abdon Awono
Scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF
Patrick Ranjatson
LRA Madagascar
Funding partner: BMZ
Objective and goals: The project will develop and refine tools and co-design policies and actions to support community tenure security, with the goal of significantly scaling up the adoption of restoration practices that support local needs, with particular attention to women.
Research partners: Laboratoire de Récherches Appliquées (LRA), Madagascar
Project duration: 2021-2024