Trees at the forefront of global climate agenda
A Decade of the Global Landscapes Forum to catalyze change. The movement keeps growing. In 2023 alone, the GLF reached over 1 billion people: 170 M on social media and up to 870 M through media coverage.
Leading the way for local action and youth leadership. The Youth in Landscapes Initiative is growing a global movement, now connecting more than 1,3 M youth worldwide. The third 2023 edition of the Restoration Stewards program funds and highlights the work of seven youth-led restoration projects in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. The GLFx network grew to 35 locally-led organizations, transforming landscapes in 25 countries, ensuring community livelihoods and recovering biodiversity with more than 28k people within their communities. Restoration practitioners, community leaders and scientists from nine African countries met at the GLFx Africa Chapter Summit to discuss challenges, priorities and future opportunities.
Innovating transformative learning. The Digital Campus platform, a transformative learning hub by CIFOR-ICRAF and the GLF connects diverse landscape actors and on-the-ground experts through demand-driven and tailored learning experiences. Together with African university partners, the Landscape Academy developed a blueprint for a transformative Restoration Education curriculum.
Connecting private investors to action on the ground. The GLF hosts the world’s only forum on sustainable finance in the global south supported by the GLF-Luxembourg Finance for Nature Platform. The 6th Investment Case symposium took place in Luxembourg with 45 financial institutions, such as the Landscapes Finance Lab, and 50 private sector institutions.
The GLF is building a community that co-produces knowledge across geographies, positions and perspectives. Through its events, campaigns, connections with communities, local change-makers, and large multilateral donors, the GLF is scaling local solutions, building bridges and giving voice to those at the frontline of climate, environmental, social and health crises. Altogether the GLF has reached 2.9 billion people.
Events and campaigns
- 2 flagship events: The 6th GLF Investment Case Symposium and GLF Nairobi 2023 Hybrid Conference uniting 337 speakers, 194 partner organizations and 12,000 participants from 174 countries, including leading scientists, activists, financiers, youth, and Indigenous and government leaders.
- 2 digital forums: Altogether 3000 participants joined the Finance for Nature Digital Forum, organized with the German Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and the GLF-Luxembourg Finance for Nature platform, and the Restoration Experiences Digital Forum, organized with the BMUV and the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. The forums reached over 18 M people and generated almost 1.4 M engagements online – more than ever.
- Digital campaigns and activities: 16 Women Restoring the Earth, GLF New Vision for Earth Film Festival, Media Seminar with 100+ journalists, photo and storytelling contests
- 45 GLF Social Media Ambassadors from 29 countries, speaking 10 languages
Funding partners