Sera Noviany (Sera) is currently Sustainability Compliance Head for Asia Pulp & Paper Sinar Mas (APP Sinar Mas). As a Sustainability Compliance Head, she oversees various sustainability initiatives across APP’s Indonesia operation including Sustainability Report development using GRI standard, CSR program, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) implementation & contribution, Social compliance, Stakeholders engagement, carbon footprint, all of which are instrument to the delivery of APP Sustainability Roadmap Vision 2020/2030 (SRV 2020/2030).
Sera has a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture from the Gadjah Mada University and a Master’s Degree in Agricultural Economics, also from the Gadjah Mada University jointly with the University of Tokyo, where she had a one-year graduate research residency. Sera has more than 15 years of experiences across sustainability, certification, supply chain, stakeholders engagement and also business process management & strategy.