Key messages
- Forest landscape restoration in Madagascar is likely to target forests and pasturelands managed as commons under customary tenure claims that are unrecognized by the state.
- Efforts to promote policy reforms that recognize customary claims to commons are hampered by limited information about the tenure systems that govern these spaces.
- Policy makers must recognize the diversity in Malagasy tenure systems when crafting legislation that recognizes customary claims to commons.
- The extent to which traditional authorities retain legitimacy is arguably a major factor in whether customary tenure systems in rural Madagascar provide stable and effective frameworks through which rights to land and resources are allocated and conflicts resolved.
- Action-research is needed to bridge the gap between state law and local practices with respect to women’s land rights.
DOI: altmetrik:
Jumlah Kutipan Dimensi:
Tahun publikasi
McLain, R.; Ranjatson, P.; Nomenjanahary, A.R.F; Heidenrich, T.; Rakotonirina, J.M.; Razafimbelo, N.T.R.
Kata kunci
land tenure, tenure systems, customary rights, policy analysis, indigenous people, rural community