Key messages
- This brief describes the first efforts to integrate agroforestry with charcoal production in the Yangambi tropical forest landscape.
- Activities resulted in both increased food crop production and reforestation, as well as the establishment of producer-led local associations and greater collaboration between communities and local authorities.
- Demonstrating the benefits of agroforestry systems as a source of woodfuel, along with capacity-strengthening activities, are critical to the successful adoption of activities by communities, as is ensuring that all activities are participatory and inclusive in nature.
- Local land tenure and rights must be well understood, as well as how gender dynamics and cultural norms may impact uptake.
- Finally, understanding local governance systems and social norms is fundamental to ensuring sustainable results.
Tahun publikasi
Mumbere Kiwanza, G.; Schure, J.; Cerutti, P.O.; Kasereka-Muvatsi, L.
Kata kunci
fuelwood, timber harvesting, deforestation, agroforestry, charcoal, agroforestry systems, landscape conservation
Democratic Republic of the Congo