- This flyer presents findings on research examining ten criteria regarding the level of support for Indigenous People and local community (IPLC) rights in the context of REDD+ in Indonesia.
- Indonesia has been involved in REDD+ from the outset and has developed various instruments to support its implementation, including a safeguards information system (SIS) that includes social safeguards recognizing the rights of IPLCs.
- IPLC rights are mentioned in different implementing regulations in piecemeal fashion, e.g., aspects of free, prior and informed consent in regulations on access to information or protection of human rights. In contrast, rights to land and forest tenure are much more comprehensive, e.g., through schemes under the Social Forestry programme.
- The implementation of safeguards for REDD+ and other forest-based initiatives must engage customary (adat) communities and respect their rights, knowledge and participation, as highlighted in Indonesia’s updated nationally determined contribution (NDC).
Tahun publikasi
Tamara, A.; Liswanti, N.; Sarmiento Barletti, J.P.; Larson, A.M.
Kata kunci
indigenous people, community forestry, social forestry, customary rights, land tenure, tenure rights, development policy, regulations, access to information