Cooking with wood biomass fuels releases hazardous air pollutants, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs), that often disproportionally affect women and children. This study, conducted in Kwale and Siaya counties in Kenya, employed thermal desorption gas chromatography – mass spectrometry to analyse VOC emissions from cooking with a wood biomass three-stone open fire vs. top-lit updraft gasifier stove. In kitchens with adequate ventilation, total VOC levels increased from 35–252 μg∙m−3 before cooking to 2235–5371 μg∙m−3 during open fire cooking, whereas use of a gasifier stove resulted in reduced emissions from cooking by 48–77 % (506–2778 μg∙m−3). However, in kitchens with poor ventilation, there was only a moderate difference in total VOC levels between the two methods of cooking (9034–9378 μg∙m−3 vs. 6727–8201 μg∙m−3 for the three-stone open fire vs. gasifier stove, respectively). Using a non-target screening approach revealed significantly increased levels of VOCs, particularly benzenoids, oxygenated and heterocyclic compounds, when cooking with the traditional open fire, especially in closed kitchens, highlighting the effects of poor ventilation. Key hazardous VOCs included benzene, naphthalene, phenols and furans, suggesting potential health risks from cooking. In kitchens with good ventilation, use of the gasifier stove markedly reduced emissions of these priority toxic VOCs compared to cooking with an open fire. Thus, substituting open fires with gasifier stoves could help to improve household air quality and alleviate health risks. The study revealed that VOCs were present prior to cooking, possibly originating from previously cooked food (buildup) or the outside environment. VOC emissions were also exacerbated by reduced air flow in high humidity during rainfall, suggesting an area for further research. The findings underscore the importance of adopting cleaner cooking technologies and enhancing kitchen ventilation to mitigate the impacts of VOCs in developing countries.
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Rebryk, A.; Kozyatnyk, I.; Njenga, M.
Kata kunci
volatile organic compounds, households, air pollution, gas chromatography, firewood, combustion, cooking