Climate variability could change the forest landscape and vice versa (Van et al. 2009). Trees respond to these changes in different ways at different times. Dendrochronological studies on long-live tree species have the potential to provide long time series that reflect changes in climate conditions (e.g. Sass-Klaassen et al. 2008). Under most circums tances, tree growth is a function of climate variables such as precipitation (e.g. Gebrekirstos et al. 2008). Dendrochronology is a powerful tool to understand the spatial and temporal characteristics of climate influences on tree growth. In this study, the relationship between climate variables and radial growth of Celtis Africana stocking in a seasonal climate in south central Ethiopia is investigated. The species selected for this study is believed to be economically important. Consequent ly, identifying the climate variables that significantly influence the radial growth dynamics of Celtis africana is vital to suggest suitable management options. This study was carried out in Wondo Genet, where remnant forest that can be categorized as “Moist Afromontane” forests is found. The Afromontane forests in Ethiopia have experienced severe deforestation, fragmentation, loss of biodiversity and ecosystem impoverishment (Teketay et al. 2010). The forest in Wondo Genet is one of the few remnants of moist Afromontane forests in the south central highlands of Ethiopia (Kebede et al. 2012). The climate of the study area is characterized by a long rainy season from June to September and a short rainy season from March to May. Total annual rainfall ranges from 800mm to 1600mm, and average annual temperature from 18”C to21”C. In most parts of the study site, Woinadega (sub-tropical) agro-climatic type prevails (Dessie & Kinlund 2007).
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