Soil degradation and their low productivity is a marked phenomenon in semiarid zones of West Africa. Use of mineral fertilizers is beyond research for most farmers. Use of organic manure like green manure is an alternative for alleviating the problem of low productivity. Tithonia diversifolia which was introduced in Mali as an ornamental plant and live fence for farmers' fields can also be used as fodder, medicine green manure etc. The plant has a great potential in improving soil fertility. The present study was conducted in two different regions of Mali to evaluate the effect of tithonia as a green manure for vegetable production in home gardens. The experiments are described and the results discussed.
Tahun publikasi
Hairiah, D.K.; Sabarnurdin S; Sardjono M A; Mustofa
Kata kunci
living fences, green manures, vegetable crops, economic analysis, soil degradation, experiments, tithonia diversifolia, lactuca sativa