For developing countries that are highly vulnerable to climate change such as the Philippines, sound information on climate and its potential impacts need to be made available in a timely manner to enable decision- and policy makers to formulate the appropriate adaptation measures to climate risks. The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, PIK, in cooperation with the German Technical Cooperation, GTZ, developed an interactive web-based platform called CI:Grasp (Climate Impact: Global and Regional Adaptation Support Platform), which provides information on climate change, its physical and socioeconomic impacts, and adaptation options and experiences from across the world. The objective of the study is to conduct a case study on the patterns of vulnerability and impacts of climate change on the forestry, water, agriculture and coastal sectors of Silago, Southern Leyte, Philippines. The process involved: 1) the identification and definition of impacts and typical patterns of vulnerability of the four identified sectors to climate change and climate change variability; 2) regional climate modeling to provide background and future climate profiles for Silago, Southern Leyte, 3) identification of crucial data and information for each sector for impacts and vulnearbility analysis, and 4) identification of the different physical and socio-economic variables that affect vulnerability, visualized through influence diagrams and impact chains. Consultations with local stakeholders in the municipality of Silago were conducted to validate the identified patterns, which could serve as basis for the formulation of appropriate adaptation options for each sector in the municipality's Comprehensive Land Use Plan.