Indonesia has made a serious commitment to reduce emissions in order to mitigate global climate change. This commitment has been taken up in national level policies and by other parties through a series of efforts towards emission reduction targets. The land-based sector provides the greatest potential for reducing emissions in Indonesia. Considering the large geographic coverage and the range of land use policies and allocations across administrative hierarchies in the country, potential emission reductions from the land use sector are implemented at the subnational levels of province and district (kabupaten). In Indonesia, the National Action Plan for Greenhouse Gas Emission (RAN GRK) and REDD+ is translated into the Regional Action Plan (RAD GRK) and the Provincial Strategies and Action Plan for REDD + (Strategi dan Rencana Aksi Provinsi - SRAP REDD+) at the provincial level as systematic initiatives of the emission reduction effort. Due to the principle of subnational autonomy in which development programs reside at the district (kabupaten) level, it is highly relevant that initiatives at the provincial level be translated into action plans at the district level
Tahun publikasi
Johana, F.; Suyanto, S.; Widayati, A.; Zulkarnain, M.T.; Muller, D.; Budiman, A.
Kata kunci
agroforestry, emissions, land use, soil quality, soil, land management, development policy, climate change