Beranda › Events › United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification COP15 › 11 May › Opening of the Fifteenth Session of...
Opening of the Fifteenth Session of the Committee on Science and Technology
Opening: Chair
Organizational matters
Adoption of the agenda and organization of work
Items resulting from the work programme of the Science-Policy Interface of the biennium 2020-2021
Evidence of the potential contribution of integrated land use planning and integrated landscape management to positive transformative change, achieving Land Degradation Neutrality and addressing desertification/land degradation and drought.
Ermias Betemariam, CIFOR-ICRAF
Evidence of he approaches for the assessment and monitoring of the resilience of vulnerable populations and ecosystems to drought.
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Pusat Penelitian Kehutanan Internasional dan Pusat Penelitian Agroforestri Dunia (CIFOR-ICRAF) memanfaatkan sumber daya pepohonan, hutan, dan bentang alam agroforestri untuk menghadapi tantangan terberat dunia saat ini – berkurangnya keanekaragaman hayati, perubahan iklim, ketahanan pangan, kesejahteraan, dan ketidaksetaraan. CIFOR dan ICRAF merupakan bagian dari Pusat Penelitian CGIAR.
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