The Government of Kenya pledged to restore 5.1 million hectares of land in the country by 2030 under the African Forest and Landscape Restoration Initiative (AFR100) and Bonn Challenge. The government has set a target of 10% tree cover for the country.
Efforts are underway in different sectors including environment, forestry, conservation and agriculture to achieve this ambition.
Join the conversation on how we can collectively accelerate the momentum of landscape restoration in Kenya by bringing together and linking multiple dimensions of the efforts.
Conference objectives
- Catalyze a national restoration movement towards the achievement of Kenya’s restoration ambitions, that can shape mindsets, support implementation.
- Showcase different restoration practices and investigate their suitability for the different places and people in the country.
- Provide a platform for engaging with policy makers that will contribute to necessary policy adjustments needed to support landscape restoration.
- Highlight the role of women and youth in restoration and outline potential for their greater inclusion.
- Identify bottlenecks and opportunities for greater restoration entrepreneurship and business.
- Agree on a process for a common monitoring, reporting, and learning framework for landscape restoration.
- Bring together stakeholders working in the restoration space to develop a common roadmap and agree on key actions.
- Catalyze funding for land restoration in the country towards realizing the vision of the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030).
Previous webinars
- National land restoration scaling conference in Kenya
- Youth power in restoration
- Roots of Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) movement
- Forest landscape restoration monitoring and reporting