Introducing the Global Soil Health Programme – Restoring the health of the world’s soil at scale and on time
Hosted by UNFCCC
Carbon sequestration in soil offers both globally significant potential to reduce atmospheric carbon, and the opportunity to improve soil health to deliver additional water security and biodiversity benefits. This is within a context where, on current trajectories, up to 90% of the planet’s soil – upon which we rely for food production and water management – will be degraded by 2050.
Unlike carbon sequestration through tree planting, there is currently no global framework for carbon trading, accounting, or quality assurance for soil. Nor is there a mechanism to link carbon emitters with the agricultural sector, which can deliver carbon sequestration and thereby improved soil health. The Universities of Glasgow and Sydney are jointly leading the Global Soil Health Programme, delivered via a precompetitive consortium including multinationals such as Bayer, BASF, UPL, RaboBank, Microsoft and PWC, to address this gap.
This introductory event will outline the vision and activities of the Global Soil Health Programme.
Please note this is a hybrid event that will be open both for physical participation (at the Kelvin Gallery, University of Glasgow) and online.
Rattan Lal
Ronald Vargas
Arlene Cotie
Andy Beadle
Jonatas Alves
Alex McBratney