People and nature together can reverse the damage to our planet

2 to 11 November 2021
Glasgow and online

A sharper focus: CIFOR-ICRAF concrete actions on climate change

COP26 pledges can put a dent in the uptick in global temperatures but are not on track to fully restrict them from rising above the 1.5 degree Celsius mark.

If all pledges and policies are met by 2030, the world is still on course to reach average annual temperatures of 2.4 degrees Celsius by 2100 compared to pre-industrial times, according to Climate Action Tracker, which projects a range of variables, some of which are more positive, but the best-case scenario is 1.8 degrees Celsius.

Deforestation and agriculture featured among the COP pledges on coal, methane, emissions, cars, finance and from banks on financing.

An agreement made by more than 130 countries in a joint statement to halt and reverse deforestation and land degradation by the end of the decade is supported by $19 billion in public and private funds, covers more than 90 percent of forests worldwide, equivalent to 3.7 billion hectares. It includes the key tropical forests of Brazil, Democratic Republic of Congo and Indonesia, although the country’s environment minister has already expressed dissatisfaction with the commitment.

With a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions originating in agriculture, forestry and other land- use, 45 governments pledged at COP26 to protect nature and change farming practices to make them more sustainable. The pledge includes investments to help build resilience to extreme weather.

Farmers are on the frontlines of the fight against climate change and urgent action on land use is needed as demand for food grows. Deforestation, degraded soils and ecosystems have negative consequences for production, curtailing the livelihoods of farmers.

CIFOR-ICRAF scientists have been working on mitigation, adaptation and integrated strategies for people and nature for almost 70 years. Learn more about some of the nature-based solutions that have been effectively implemented, not only to address the climate challenge, but also to achieve broader ecosystem benefits.


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