REDD+ policies

REDD+ policies

This thematic research of CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study of REDD+ focuses on the power and politics of REDD+ in national and international policy arenas. The aim is to identify opportunities for and potential barriers to preventing deforestation and forest degradation, in relation to governance, institutions and the political economy of forests in national REDD+ policy arenas. In particular, the project is investigating how barriers can be addressed through policy design and implementation.

This thematic research relies heavily on collaboration with CIFOR’s partners in civil society, government, the private sector, indigenous organizations and academia in the research countries as well as at the global level. This approach enables targeted capacity building in REDD+ countries, as well as South-South learning through knowledge sharing and other events among our partners.

This research has been carried out since 2009 in developing countries including Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Laos, Mozambique, Nepal, Peru, Tanzania, Vietnam, Guyana, Myanmar and Papua New Guinea.  

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