Journal articles Share this to Displaying page 28 of 28 Display: 15 30 60 Sort: Descending date Ascending date Descending title Ascending title Publication 2014 Mitigación en la selva, adaptación en la sierra y la costa: ¿Oportunidades perdidas de sinergias frente al cambio climático en Perú? Publication 2014 Integration of adaptation and mitigation in climate change and forest policies in Indonesia and Vietnam Publication 2014 Tenure and participation in local REDD+ projects: insights from southern Cameroon Publication 2014 Governing the design of national REDD+: an analysis of the power of agency Publication 2013 Reconciling forest conservation and logging in Indonesian Borneo Publication 2013 Advancing agricultural greenhouse gas quantification Publication 2013 Challenges in operationalizing remote sensing in climate change mitigation projects in developing countries Publication 2013 Workshop Report on Science solutions to policy challenges for evolving REDD+ measuring, reporting and verification requirements: report from a multistakeholder workshop Publication 2013 Linking community-based and national REDD+ monitoring: a review of the potential Publication 2013 Exploring different forest definitions and their impact on developing REDD+ reference emission levels: a case study for Indonesia Publication 2013 REDD+ readiness: early insights on monitoring, reporting and verification systems of project developers Publication 2013 Land tenure and REDD+: the good, the bad and the ugly Publication 2013 Designing and implementing effective REDD+ policies: a forest transition approach Publication 2013 Local communities’ and indigenous peoples’ rights to forests in Central Africa: from hope to challenges Publication 2013 People’s perceptions about the importance of forests on Borneo « Previous 1 … 26 27 28