Journal articles Share this to Displaying page 26 of 28 Display: 15 30 60 Sort: Descending date Ascending date Descending title Ascending title Publication 2014 National REDD+ policy networks: from cooperation to conflict Publication 2014 REDD+ policy making in Nepal: toward state-centric, polycentric, or market-oriented governance? Publication 2014 Lessons for REDD+ from Cameroon’s past forestry law reform: a political economy analysis Publication 2014 Discursive barriers and cross-scale forest governance in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia Publication 2014 REDD+ policy networks in Brazil: constraints and opportunities for successful policy making Publication 2014 Enabling factors for establishing REDD+ in a context of weak governance Publication 2014 Information networks and power: confronting the “wicked problem” of REDD+ in Indonesia Publication 2014 The REDD+ policy arena in Vietnam: participation of policy actors Publication 2014 Multistakeholder environmental governance in action: REDD+ discourse coalitions in Tanzania Publication 2014 Multi-Level policy dialogues, processes, and actions: Challenges and opportunities for national REDD+ safeguards Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) Publication 2014 Review of the legal ownership status of national lands in Cameroon: A more nuanced view Publication 2014 Rural vulnerability to environmental change in the irrigated lowlands of Central Asia and options for policy-makers: a review Publication 2014 Agroforestry with N2-fixing trees: sustainable development’s friend or foe? Publication 2014 Fuelwood savings and carbon emission reductions by the use of improved cooking stoves in an Afromontane Forest, Ethiopia Publication 2014 Major atmospheric emissions from peat fires in Southeast Asia during non-drought years: evidence from the 2013 Sumatran fires « Previous 1 … 24 25 26 27 28 Next »