Forests News

Forests News

Read on for the latest news stories, features, photo essays and videos from the field.

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Au Pérou, pouvoir et intérêt politique règnent sur le secteur foncier

10 things you need to know about REDD+ safeguards

REDD+ on the ground: For one initiative in Indonesia, politics in the peatlands

Carbon 101: Faced with teaching a complex topic, scientists get creative

Populariser la réduction des émissions à travers le paysage

As tides rise higher, can mangroves hold on? Researchers dig in to find out

Forum links science, policy, sectors at turning point for climate, development

Les premières initiatives de REDD+: une étude sur les garanties évalue la participation locale

Por qué no avanza REDD+? Política y poder interfieren, de acuerdo a experta

Safeguards, finance loom large at UN climate talks in Lima

Mainstreaming emission reductions across the landscape

INFORME ESPECIAL: Las complejidades en el sector de uso del suelo en el Perú

Estudiar los caminos forestales para detectar la degradación de los bosques

Time for urgent action on social safeguards for REDD+, researchers say

Stoves cook up relief for Ethiopia’s forests, climate

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